Get Started

Our journey together starts here

We’ll begin with a FREE 15 minute consultation call. There’s no pesky strings or commitments and NO hard selling. Just us, imagining what it looks like to help you feel stronger and more confident in your skin.

So what’s next?

  1. Book a time that works for you

  2. We’ll chat and begin setting goals plus I’ll give you all the details about how we’ll work together to get you to where you WANT to be .

  3. Training begins!

Yup. It’s really that easy.

No more procrastinating. Take this step for YOU.

Working together will empower you to:

  • Build a strong and resilient body and mind

  • Feel a deep confidence in all that your body is capable of (and that has nothing to do with the way your body looks)

  • Have more energy for everything you love to do (and all the things you need to do!)

  • Manage your stress and anxiety in a holistic way

It’s time to redefine exercise.

Exercise is not a punishment or a way to achieve an impossible physical ideal.

Movement is a gift - an opportunity for you to feel good, to have more energy, to be self-confident, and to let go of stress.

Training together, you’ll experience a new style of personal training: Strength Training For Mental Health.

This is not a gimmick to repackage the same old fitness industry nonsense that treats exercise as a tool for controlling your body. It’s a different way of approaching strength training that leaves you feeling energized and empowered after every session.

Learn, lift, and live a joyful, resilient, and healthy life.

Here’s what my clients have to say

  • "Having Sharon as my personal trainer has been exactly what I needed to improve my strength and confidence... It’s so great to find a fitness expert who doesn’t prescribe to the latest diet and fitness trends, and instead focuses on science and building healthy habits."

    Devon F, 36

  • "I absolutely love training with Dr. Gam! I have been training with her for over 2 months and I already feel so much stronger! She developed an individualized fitness plan that is tailored to my personal goals, needs and current ability."

    Colleen B, 43

  • "I am SO happy I found Sharon! Not only is she a really lovely person but she is so knowledgeable and careful about proper form and that is something that was very important to me."

    Kate R, 63

  • "I’ve been working with Sharon for 3 months now and it’s been incredible. She’s listened to what I want and has helped me set goals accordingly. She’s helped change my view on working out and living a healthy lifestyle. Highly recommend!"

    Marie S, 37

  • "I have been working with Sharon for a few months and have experienced many benefits thanks to her services. Sharon has helped increase not only my strength, but my tolerance for discomfort, improved my posture, sleep, and given me many tools for improving my fitness, diet, and overall wellbeing."

    Jackie C, 42

  • "I signed on with Sharon after the birth of my second child to get my strength back, and it has been the best decision I made! Sharon has been both motivational and professional, and has helped me reach my goals. So lucky to have her in my life!"

    Tina M, 40

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