Articles & Resources
Learn more about the current movement and exercise science from evidence based sources and lived experience from an expert personal trainer.
Looking for a specific topic? Search my articles for the topics that interest you most.
Changing The Stories You Tell Yourself About Exercise
If you think you hate exercise or you’re “not an exerciser”, but you still want to get fitter and healthier, this article is for you. You can change the stories you tell yourself about exercise and become the fit and healthy person you want to be.
Why You Need To Be Strength Training
If you need motivation to start strength training, I have it right here! Learn why you should be strength training.
How To Build A Fitness Mindset: Four Mindset Shifts To Help You Stick To Exercise
If you want to stick to exercise, building a healthy fitness mindset can make all the difference. Here are some common mindset mistakes and tips for shifting to a healthier mindset.
You Don’t Have To Get In Shape Before You Start Training
If you think you need to get in shape before you join a gym or start classes or personal training, think again. Here's why you shouldn't wait.
The "Moving Target" Mindset: What It Is And How To Overcome It So You Can Get Fitter And Healthier
Your mindset makes or breaks your results. Here's a common mindset mistake and tips for overcoming it so you can get fitter and healthier.
Tracking Your Progress To Stay Motivated
It's important to track your progress towards your fitness goals, but many people are doing it wrong. Here's a way to turn progress tracking into a motivational tool.
Three Words To Keep You On Track When You’re Struggling With Your Fitness Motivation
Here's a simple phrase to remember next time you start falling off track with your health and fitness goals: never miss twice.
Set Small Goals To Get Big Results
Don't get impatient and try to do too much, too soon. Small goals are the key!