Articles & Resources
Learn more about the current movement and exercise science from evidence based sources and lived experience from an expert personal trainer.
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What To Do If You Feel Like You’re Not Good At Exercise
If you feel like you’re not good at strength training and it’s stopping you from sticking to your fitness plans, there is something you can do. Here are some practical steps you can take in your workouts to challenge your limiting beliefs and grow into someone who is good at exercise.
How I Finally Built A Meditation Habit
I struggled for many years to become a consistent meditator. It turns out I was making a lot of common mistakes. Here are the strategies that finally helped me do it. You can use them to build any health and fitness habit.
Changing The Stories You Tell Yourself About Exercise
If you think you hate exercise or you’re “not an exerciser”, but you still want to get fitter and healthier, this article is for you. You can change the stories you tell yourself about exercise and become the fit and healthy person you want to be.
End Your Workout With Your Favorite Exercise
Here’s why ending your workout with your favorite exercise can boost your motivation.
“I Know What To Do, Why Can’t I Make It Happen?”
If you’re having a hard time sticking to your workouts, the problem is probably not the workouts themselves. These deeper strategies are the keys to consistency, and once you’re consistent, you’ll get the results you want.
How To Build A Fitness Mindset: Four Mindset Shifts To Help You Stick To Exercise
If you want to stick to exercise, building a healthy fitness mindset can make all the difference. Here are some common mindset mistakes and tips for shifting to a healthier mindset.
You Don’t Have To Get In Shape Before You Start Training
If you think you need to get in shape before you join a gym or start classes or personal training, think again. Here's why you shouldn't wait.
The "Moving Target" Mindset: What It Is And How To Overcome It So You Can Get Fitter And Healthier
Your mindset makes or breaks your results. Here's a common mindset mistake and tips for overcoming it so you can get fitter and healthier.
Tracking Your Progress To Stay Motivated
It's important to track your progress towards your fitness goals, but many people are doing it wrong. Here's a way to turn progress tracking into a motivational tool.
Three Words To Keep You On Track When You’re Struggling With Your Fitness Motivation
Here's a simple phrase to remember next time you start falling off track with your health and fitness goals: never miss twice.
How To Make Fitness A Hobby
If you want to exercise consistently and get the amazing benefits, make fitness a hobby. Here are some tips to help you do that.
Finding Exercise Motivation Through Your Personal Values
If you struggle to stick to exercise, think about your values. When your exercise habits and values are aligned, it's easy to follow through.
Short Term And Long Term Exercise Motivation
The motivation that gets you started might not keep you going. Here's how to think about short term and long term exercise motivation.
How To Get Started With Behavior Change
Learn strategies for behavior change that will help you avoid the usual pitfalls and set you up for success as you pursue your goals.
The Myth Of Discipline And Why What You Really Need Is Better Motivation
Many people think discipline is the key to sticking to exercise, but it's not. What's really important is building better motivation.
Why Is Change So Hard? How Your Brain Makes It Difficult For You To Change And What To Do About It
If you've struggled to make healthy changes, it's ok! There's a reason change is so hard, and it's not about lacking motivation or willpower!
Motivate Yourself To Exercise With This Clever Science-Backed Strategy
If you struggle to motivate yourself to exercise, try this science-backed strategy that can help you follow through on your good intentions.
Build New Habits Faster By Connecting Them To Habits You Already Have
Healthy habits are incredibly important. Here's a powerful strategy to help you create new habits faster and more easily.
Change From The Inside To Achieve Your Goals
If you've tried more than once to stick to an exercise or diet program, the key is not the program itself. Work on changing from the inside, and almost any program will work for you.
Build Exercise Motivation With Workout Intentions
Here's a simple strategy I use with my personal training clients to help boost their exercise motivation in each session and create long-lasting habits.