Lift & Learn Workshop

Strengthen Your Body And Mind At The Same Time

What’s a Lift & Learn?

Uplevel your fitness routine!

Knowledge is power and this workshop packs a punch. Lift & Learns are designed to teach you how to be a better exerciser so you see better and more consistent results in your fitness routine.

Each Lift & Learn has a dedicated topic that includes mindset shifts, exercise science, and practical application you know the why behind the movements.

After the Lift & Learn you’ll receive a PDF guide for our theme so you can continue to apply and expand upon your knowledge.

Let’s get to work!

Upcoming Lift and Learns

Strength Training For Mental Health

Monday, Jan 13th 2025 | 6 - 7:30pm (US Eastern Standard Time)

What you'll learn:

You’ve probably heard that exercise is good for your mental health, but you might not know that strength training has the power to rewire your brain and change the way you think and feel about yourself. 

In this lift & Learn:

  • 10-minutes of brain-boosting, high intensity exercise. 

  • 30-40 minute discussion where you’ll learn why strength training is so good for your mental health and how you can get the best mood and energy-boosting benefits from your workouts. 

  • 20 minutes of strength training, focused on learning how to do a good push up. 

  • You’ll have a chance to ask questions, and you’ll get a PDF guide with tips you can use in your strength training.

What’s Covered in a Lift & Learn?!

  • The Brain Boost

    At the beginning of each session, we will do 10 minutes of high intensity exercise to prime your brain for the information it’s about to soak up!

    High intensity exercise has been shown to improve focus, memory, creativity, and productivity immediately after a session, as well as in the long-term.

  • Workshop Theme

    After your brain boost, we will spend 30-40 minutes learning about a health and fitness topic. Each lift & learn will cover a different topic but they will all be related so you can build on your knowledge each time!

    Themes are meant to uplevel your current fitness routine so you can achieve better results, continue to build progress, and stay inspired!

  • The Lift

    In each session we’ll focus on optimizing 1 movement and muscle group in particular.

    This is different than a traditional workout – it’s a practice session for building good movement skills and body awareness.

    You’ll learn the right way to do each exercise and how to scale it to your ability level so you can feel confident incorporating the exercise into your workouts.

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